Blockchain, Distributed Ledger & Smart Contracts Masterclass (Hong Kong) 
Understanding The Law & Regulation For "Industry 4.0"

Date:                  16 May 2018
Registration:     8.30am to 9.00am
Event:                9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:               Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Room:               Hung Hom Room 3 (Level 1)
CPD points will be applied for this event with the Law Society of Hong Kong. Delegates will be notified about the exact number of CPD points the event is accredited for in due course.

The Bitcoin boom (or bubble) has brought blockchain and distributed ledger technologies into mainstream media coverage.  However, blockchain is about far more than Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and ICOs. This ALB Masterclass:

  • Examines the underlying technology and its practical application across a range of economically important sectors and government activities. 
  • Identifies and explores the legal and regulatory issues that must be addressed as blockchain and distributed ledger technology becomes embedded into supply chains and commercial relationships. 
  • Provides specific case studies that include the use of technology to streamline cross-border trade, manufacturing and logistics, and the legal implications of a large-scale hack or cyber attack. 

Who Should Attend:

  • Partner /Lawyers In Practice
  • CLO (Chief Legal Officer)
  • Head Of Legal, VP Legal, Head Of Compliance, Legal Director, GM (Legal)
  • General Counsel, Senior Counsel, Regional Counsel, Legal Counsel , Legal Manager


Blockchain, Distributed Ledger & Smart Contracts Masterclass (Hong Kong) 
Understanding The Law & Regulation For "Industry 4.0"

Date:                  16 May 2018
Registration:     8.30am to 9.00am
Event:                9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:               Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Room:               Hung Hom Room 3 (Level 1)

CPD points will be applied for this event with the Law Society of Hong Kong. Delegates will be notified about the exact number of CPD points the event is accredited for in due course.

09.00am - 09.15am
Welcome and introductions

9.15am - 9.45am
Hype and reality

  • What is "blockchain","distributed ledger" and "smart contract" technology?
  • Where and how is it being applied in practice?
  • Will the technology survive the Bitcoin crash and ICO scandals?

9.45am - 10.45am
"Smart", "Connected" and "Data driven" contracts

  • What is a "smart" contract? 
  • Legal, regulatory and data protection issues. Are "smart" contracts legally valid and enforceable?
  • Jurisdiction, governing law and enforcement

10.45am - 11.00am
Morning Tea-Break

11.00am - 12.00pm
IoT, distributed ledger and supply chains

  • The key to "frictionless" international trade and border clearance?
  • Free zones and "virtual" free zones
  • Data pipelines and "end-to-end" tracing
  • Whose system?  Government procurement, or government access?
  • Confidentiality and data protection. Can distributed ledgers ever meet data protection law requirements?

12.00pm - 1.00pm
Cyber security and hacking risks

  • Blockchain and DLT: "hack-proof" or "hack-evident"?
  • Is blockchain really "immutable"?
  • Genuine hack or exploitation of vulnerable code?
  • Where does loss lie in the event of a hack?
  • What are the key differences between "permissioned" and "permissionless" blockchain?
  • Who is liable if IoT equipment is hacked for use in a cyber-attack?

1.00pm - 2.00pm
Networking Lunch

2.00pm - 3.00pm
Business structures and "decentralized autonomous organisation"

  • What is a DAO?
    • In concept
    • In practice
  • Can DAOs be identified, regulated and taxed?
  • Will DAOs bend to the law, or will the law bend to DAOs?

3.00pm - 3.15pm
Afternoon Tea-Break

3.15pm - 4.15pm
Contract law, contractual drafting and interpretation

  • Drafting for "hybrid" smart contracts
  • Creating and enforcing valid guarantees, indemnities and performance bonds
  • Can a judge or arbitrator "read" a smart contract?

4.15pm - 4.45pm 
Commercial applications and use cases

  • Shipping and logistics
  • Manufacturing
  • Asset tracing and supply chain management
  • Land and corporate registration
  • Creating and managing digital identity: government services, investigation and law enforcement and consumer protection

4.45pm - 5.00pm

Blockchain, Distributed Ledger & Smart Contracts Masterclass (Hong Kong) 
Understanding The Law & Regulation For "Industry 4.0"

Date:                  16 May 2018
Registration:     8.30am to 9.00am
Event:                9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:               Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Room:               Hung Hom Room 3 (Level 1)

CPD points will be applied for this event with the Law Society of Hong Kong. Delegates will be notified about the exact number of CPD points the event is accredited for in due course.

Malcolm Dowden
Legal Director
Womble Bond Dickinson
Malcolm Dowden is a Legal Director at Global 100 law firm Womble Bond Dickinson.  Qualified in 1994, Malcolm is a UK-based solicitor with extensive experience of law and legal developments relating to technology and electronic communications.  In 2017 Malcolm contributed to and edited a ground-breaking report addressed to the UK government and published by Lord Holmes, a member of the UK upper legislative chamber.  Following publication of that report Malcolm was invited to chair a legal working group to analyse and report on the legal and regulatory implications of blockchain and distributed ledger technology for government and the private sector.  He also chairs the Supply Chain Working Group of the Accord Project, a collaborative international group of lawyers, technologists and business professionals seeking to develop techno-legal standards and open source software to support the development and adoption of smart legal contracts.  Malcolm's previous ALB workshops have focused on the "internet of things".  This new workshop is broader in coverage, and draws on the latest legal and technical developments and thought leadership to bring you up to date with developments in this rapidly moving and economically crucial area.

Blockchain, Distributed Ledger & Smart Contracts Masterclass (Hong Kong) 
Understanding The Law & Regulation For "Industry 4.0"

Date:                  16 May 2018
Registration:     8.30am to 9.00am
Event:                9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:               Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Room:               Hung Hom Room 3 (Level 1)

CPD points will be applied for this event with the Law Society of Hong Kong. Delegates will be notified about the exact number of CPD points the event is accredited for in due course.

For ​​more ​​information ​​regarding ​​this ​​event, ​​please ​​contact: ​ 
Taranjit ​Kaur 
Phone: ​​(65) ​​6870 ​3909 
Email: ​​

Blockchain, Distributed Ledger & Smart Contracts Masterclass (Hong Kong) 
Understanding The Law & Regulation For "Industry 4.0"

Date:                  16 May 2018
Registration:     8.30am to 9.00am
Event:                9.00am to 5.00pm
Venue:               Kerry Hotel, 38 Hung Luen Road, Hung Hom Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
Room:               Hung Hom Room 3 (Level 1)

CPD points will be applied for this event with the Law Society of Hong Kong. Delegates will be notified about the exact number of CPD points the event is accredited for in due course.

Early ​bird ​price:
 ​SAVE ​USD300 ​- ​Register ​before ​9 March ​2018 ​and ​pay ​only ​USD800! 
Regular ​price: ​USD1,100 
Group ​price: ​SAVE ​AN ​ADDITIONAL ​20%. ​ ​Register ​five ​participants ​from ​your ​organisation ​and ​the ​5th ​person ​attends ​for ​free. 

For ​​more ​​information ​​regarding ​​this ​​event, ​​please ​​contact: ​ 

Taranjit ​Kaur 
Phone: ​​(65) ​​6870 ​3909 
Email: ​​

Fees ​are ​charged ​in ​USD.